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Laravel Elixir Custom Versioning Path

This is an example on how to get a custom Build Path or Versioning Path with laravel elixir.


We took advantage of the assets files that are out of the box, public/css/app.css and public/js/app.js. Think of them as our sources files.

We put these files in the public/assets/ folder which is a common and recommended way to organize our assets in the public folder.

Then the tasks were defined in the gulpfile.js:

elixir((mix) => {
        ], 'public/assets/css/style.css', './public')
        ], 'public/assets/js/application.js', './public')
        ], 'public');
Notice that we specified the public directory in the version method as the second parameter.

Now we have to reference our versioned resources. Again, We took advantage of the welcome.blade.php view.

First, we added the css versioned file.

<link href="{{ asset(elixir('assets/css/style.css', '')) }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Notice that we have sent an empty string as the second parameter so our asset file will be found correctly

I like to wrap the elixir in a an asset method to have a well formed URL. It's about tastes!

Next, we added the js versioned file too!

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset(elixir('assets/js/application.js', '')) }}"></script>

Finally and Optionally, to use the Vue suggestion we put the example component in the welcome view.


Now it's time to check our setup!


  1. composer install
  2. npm install
  3. gulp
  4. php artisan serve
  5. go to http://localhost:8000
Note: It's recommended to use the latest version of Node and NPM.

I find this workaround useful when you have a template or some assets you don't want to break. Also to maintain your folder structure without dealing with the common build directory created when versioning our assets.


An example customizing the laravel elixir versioning path.






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